Last week we started Minecraft at school because it is Medieval times and each class has to build their own Medieval village. So I will be talking about how I think it is going for my class and if we need to work on anything or improve some stuff.
Most of the buildings are correct and made out of the right materials but there are a few that need some changing. About 90% of cottages look like they are made out of wattle and daub.
My favourite part of the village has to be the Castle because it is so big and it also has great spots to attack from so we should wreck the other classes in war. Also I like the Church because it stands out and also because Lawrence and I made it.
As I said some cottages need a bit of work but we could also have some more shops and we could also build a wall.
Two things I am going to work will probably be the wall that will go around either the village or the castle. Also making buildings look better by filling them with things like decorations, etc. if it is needed I can help put stairs and paths and lay them out better.
That is my blog post for this week come back soon for another!!! :)