Monday, June 22, 2015

Sports at Nairnville

Every Thursday Room 11 goes down to Nairnville to do sport for an hour and there are usually two or three instructors telling us what to do. The first half of the term we did gymnastics and skills for gymnastics which was really boring (no offense to people who liked doing it). After gymnastics we did Rippa Rugby and Soccer for two weeks which I thought was so much better than doing gym. 

The sport I enjoyed the most was Rippa Rugby because I do rugby as a sport in the weekend and it is a very energetic sport. I also like rugby because people have parts to play so the team all works out and that helps us win games.

I didn't learn many skills in gymnastics because I'm not interested in it and that makes it boring and not very interesting. But I did learn more skills in rugby and soccer about short and quick pass', team work and to trust the players in your team. But in soccer I learnt a bit more about defence and attacking the ball.

Some other sports I would like to do next time would be AFL, NFL, cricket, basketball, nukenball and many more.    

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Hallo  (Hello)
Guten Morgan (Good Morning)
Guten Tag (Good Afternoon)
This Term the Year Seven and Eights have been learning how to speak German and a bit about Germany's (Deutschland) history. German has been very interesting and I have enjoyed it a lot. To learn how to speak German we have watched a video series called Ja! But you say it like ya. We have learnt how to say days of the week, months, numbers, greetings, countries and much more. I probably would keep learning German at college if they teach it or I might do French at college. But it all depends on when I'm Year Eight because I'm only a Year Seven. Learning how to speak German might be useful if I ever go to Germany, because I would be able to communicate to locals and understand what their saying. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

How the EPIC thingy works and what it means!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HHHHYYYYPPPPEEEE!!!!

In this blog post I will tell you about St Benedict's school values. These values are Empathy, Perseverance, Integrity and Creativity.
E= Empathy
P= Perseverance
I= Integrity
C= Creativity   
 These are four very important words in our school ( St Benedict's ). Creativity and Perseverance are my two values I think I have because I always persevere in sports when I'm injured or I have a goal I want to achieve.  Creativity is also another value I have because I love doing art and creating things at home. The values I find hard are Empathy and Integrity but I find Empathy the hardest.     

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


A book I have read lately is Scorpion Sting by Justin D'ath who was born in New Zealand but lives in Aussie. This book is one of 12 books in the series Extreme Adventure. The boy in the books is called Sam Fox who was caving with his elder brother Ben who is a caving and safety expert. The adventure starts when Ben gets injured ( but actually a massive rock lands on him).The plot on this book is that Sam has to find help in the Australian outback to rescue his injured brother so he decides to drive the Jeep to get help.  But Sam runs into a lot of trouble on the way to help. The dumbest thing he did was when he thought that the Australian Army that was training in the desert was a terrorist group working under cover. So he try's to also tell people there's a terrorist group in the outback.

A funny quote from this book is said when his brother Ben is being rescued the Australian Army, Air Force and Navy came to help him. " Did you think the Titanic needed helping again. I would recommend this book to children 7 - 13 years old.