Time Management stuff!!!
Time management is something really important that everybody should have as a skill. Time management helps for school, secondary school and for jobs when you get older. So this blog post is about time management (if you haven't noticed the title or intro).
I usually take two pieces of work home to do after school but I sometimes take more or less because it depends on how many tasks we have. At school I try to do as many tasks as I can or at least start them. I try to use as much time as possible but I might muck around a bit then go back to working. I usually do more tasks at home than school know because of production with rehearsals and dance practices.
Some things that help me concentrate at school can be music because it blocks out the noise from the classroom and my friends talking so I don't distracted. Some things that make it difficult for me to concentrate would be when my friends are sitting near me or next to me and if they are making a ton of noise. Also when I have lots of work on my mind and I have something big to do, but luckily that hasn't happened for a while. Things that help me overcome these difficulties would be just working alone and listening to music.
That's my blog post for this week!!! Come back soon for another:)
Nice post Henry