Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Galapagos Islands
Image result for marine iguana

For the last half term, the three intermediate classes have been learning about the Galapagos Islands, Evolution and Adaptation. Also how animals got to the Galapagos Islands and evolved or adapted to the environment. But before that,how the Islands got created. The Islands got created by explosions under the sea and the explosions pushed up hot molten rock. When the Islands got old they start falling under their own weight because the earths core couldn't support it and it will start collapsing. and also in the future. 

Image result for plane
Some interesting things I have learnt about the Galapagos Islands is that the Marine Iguana use to be a Land animal but is now a animal that can swim in the sea and breath on land. Also the Giant Tortoise is one of the biggest animals in the Islands. Another amazing thing is that there is a finch that can use a stick to lure grubs out of a tree.

The next topic I would like to learn about would be Planes and aerodynamics or Cars and the history of Cars. Also transport before Cars were invented.


Monday, May 18, 2015

Sport Moniter and House Captain

This year I have taken to responsibilities which are Sport Monitor and House Captain. I am a Sport Monitor on Friday for morning tea and lunch time. For House Captain I am in charge of the House group Murphy. The importance of the House Captain job is to lead and motivate the students in Murphy to win the House Cup. Also as a House Captain we get to chose a Christmas carol for the end of year for Murphy. Looking after the students as in looking after them if they're hurt or lonely. These are just a few responsibilities to be a House Captain but there are many more.

The way I have helped by being a Sport Monitor is by showing younger students where sport equipment is in the P.E shed and if they need anything to use to play with. I have also tried to keep the P.E shed tidy and organised so that if anything goes missing it can be found and be used again. I have also pumped up about 15 balls with Jarden this week.

The thing I have enjoyed about being a Sport Monitor is helping people with sports they might not of played before because I love playing sports. The thing I have enjoyed about being As a House Captain I have enjoyed all the big and the variety of responsibilities that have is going to challenge me so far. I'm also looking forward to leading

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Hello People
It's Henry here,

And I'm here to talk about what the whole point of the ASB guy coming into our class to talk about money was. He came in to tell us about saving, earning money also credit and eftpos cards. I think I found the session worth while because I got some good tips on getting and saving money to use in the future. The key points of this session were probably getting kids to save more money and learn how to earn money at a young age.  Some of my financial goals are to save up for a phone and also to put more money into my bank account. Vane also told us about a way to save our money for something you need called "My CAT goal/s". The C stands for Clear, A stands for Action and T stands for Time. Clear means what you want and how much it is.Action is your income, expenses and savings. Time is where you divide the cost and that will give you the number of weeks it will take you. To improve my money management I will try spend less money on stuff like toys, sweets and things I don't really need!!!
See next time,