Last week was Easter, we had a five day holiday which was awesome. I did some great things with my mates and family. I got so much chocolate I could have 3 days of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Some things I did to help people would be that I helped with food, drinks and decorations at my sisters birthday party. My mum appreciated it because she didn't need to do as much work. Another one would be I helped Altar serve at mass when I wasn't asked because the person who was on didn't arrive.
I went to a friends house and all we did is play cricket for like 2 hours, watch cricket on TV and talk about cricket while playing games on our phones. I also went to the nets then on Friday, Saturday and Sunday I watched Onslow Mens play Easts Mens in a 3 Dayer which is a shorter version of a test match.
That's my blog for this week, come back next week.
Great post Henry - I'm sure people appreciated your help!