Welcome back blog viewers who read this blog. This blog post I will be talking about Duolingo. I will be talking about what I like about it, if I have found anything difficult, has it helped me and do I have any tips about remembering words.
Things I like about Duolingo is that it's a fun way to learn a language. It is also cool when it says a certain percentage to show how much Spanish you can speak fluently.
Some things I have found difficult is remembering certain words, but after a while I slowly remember. Also trying to remember every day, but since I have it on my phone I can remember a bit more easily.
It has definitely helped me because it repeats words but in different sentences and contexts.
I only have one tip to remember words. It is to try and memorize the word and keep it locked in your brain.
That's my blog post for this week,
I'm back with another blog post. This weeks blog post is about Technology (Tech). We do Tech every Monday afternoon from 1:00 to about 2:15.
Tech is held at Mount Cook school which is a very big school. We catch the bus the to Tech, we have two buses one for year 8's and one for the Year 7's.
There are five different activities which are Movie making, Cooking, Wood Work, Sewing and Electronics. At the moment I am doing Wood work and I am making a Battleship completely made from wood.
In the next few sessions I will still be making parts so I can put the whole thing together at the end. Also filing and sanding while take up a lot of time.
Some classes I'm looking forward to would be would be Cooking and movie Making cause I really enjoyed them last year and I am really excited to do them this year.