I was in the boys team for dodge-ball with Oli, Andrew, Fraser, Liam, Jesse, Mahon, Riley, Jo and Harry. I think we all really enjoyed it even though we got in the face a bit. The things we did well at was teamwork and counter-attacking the other team had thrown all their balls and had nothing left to use except from dodging us. The things with teamwork was that we all communicated and would throw all at the same time to have more of a chance to get them out. Also with the counter-attacking because we knew we had a chance to get them out. And in the end we came Third.
The venue worked all right but the games could've gone a bit longer because there would only be about four rounds if both teams were really good and the game was only 12 or 14 minutes which went really quickly. But if the games went longer we would have to wait longer to play a game which would suck because it seemed for ever to wait for your game.
Things we would need to work on would be throwing a bit faster because most of the opposition would have a really good arm and it would be hard to dodge. Also blocking because most of the outs were you would try to block the ball coming towards you with another ball but then it would nick the ball and hit you. Also throwing lower so we wouldn't get caught.
That's my blog post for this week hope you enjoyed it.