Wednesday, August 26, 2015

DodgeBall for Sports Fest!!!

Today two teams from St. Benedict's went to Kilbirnie Rec Centre to play dodge-ball. There were 6 schools there from Raroa to Marsden and St Bens of course. Here is how we went and more.

I was in the boys team for dodge-ball with Oli, Andrew, Fraser, Liam, Jesse, Mahon, Riley, Jo and Harry. I think we all really enjoyed it even though we got in  the face a bit. The things we did well at was teamwork and counter-attacking the other team had thrown all their balls and had nothing left to use except from dodging us. The things with teamwork was that we all communicated and would throw all at the same time to have more of a chance to get them out. Also with the counter-attacking because we knew we had a chance to get them out. And in the end we came Third.

The venue worked all right but the games could've gone a bit longer because there would only be about four rounds if both teams were really good and the game was only 12 or 14 minutes which went really quickly. But if the games went longer we would have to wait longer to play a game which would suck because it seemed for ever to wait for your game.

Things we would need to work on would be throwing a bit faster because most of the opposition would have a really good arm and it would be hard to dodge. Also blocking because most of the outs were you would try to block the ball coming towards you with another ball but then it would nick the ball and hit you. Also throwing lower so we wouldn't get caught.

That's my blog post for this week hope you enjoyed it.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Flag Debate that costs millions

Hello everybody reading this. Today's blog post is about what four flags should go against the current New Zealand Flag. These four flags are the four I have chosen to go against the current flag but I still want the original flag. This is because it's the 100th anniversary of World War 1 and Gallipoli and all the Soldiers fought and died under this flag. Also there is History behind it. I think you would have to be blind to think its the Australian Flag. Also because it is costing $26 million which is a disgrace.
This flag is called the Black Jack I chose this flag because it is sort of like the original flag but has a bit of  Maori design on the Union  Jack. I also like it because it's not too plain but not too complicated and busy. This is why it is my favourite that made the Top 40.The man who designed this was Mike Davison which was the only one of His designs that made the Top 40 ideas.
This is my second favourite flag because it has some of the original colours like white, blue and red. Also because it has the original Southern Cross with the white outline and red inside which I like a bit better than only the white that the Black Jack has. I also like how the Fern is white not a different colour but I wouldn't mind silver as the colour of the fern. Also because It splits up the red and blue. The man who designed this flag was Kyle Lockwood who designed  the next flag I'm going to talk about also a two other flags that got into the top 40 which one just had a black background and black and blue.
This is another flag designed by Kyle Lockwood which I like quite a bit because it is similar to the one I just talked about. Some information I gathered about these two flags were that the red stands for the blood lost at Turkey and France in World War 1 and the bits coming off the fern stalk symbolises the ethnic diversity in New Zealand. I like this flag because of the meanings in it and also the black because every New Zealand sports team has at least one bit of black on their uniform.
This is an interesting flag because it has a Southern cross with a white outline and a red inside also has a bit of black and green which are some fine colours. The Koru is alright I wouldn't brag about but then I wouldn't say its bad because it makes it look like the main point and picture of the flag is the Koru. But I think it would be fine as our national flag because its much better than any other entries. This flag was design by Dominic Carroll and this is called Moving Forward.

Monday, August 10, 2015

ART IS FUN!!!!!!

Hello people reading this post I'm here to write about Art and why I enjoy it and other reasons. Also what I need to improve on when doing art and what we should do for the art exhibition.

Some art skills I need to improve on would be self-portraits because I don't get the shape right for the head and features on the face. Also because I cant really get the colours and shades right.

The sort of art I enjoy is doing sketch's of things like animals and buildings and maybe nature. This is because I enjoy drawing things except from my self.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Who I would invite to Dinner

The Person and Character I would invite to Dinner would be Rambo and Richard Hammond. Two of my favourite people. Here are some reasons why I would invite Rambo and Richard Hammond to Dinner.
Rambo is one of my favourite fictional people because he is this former S.A.S Soldier from the American Army. Rambo is played by Sylvester Stallone who also played Barney Ross in the movie The Expendables and and Rocky in the movie Rocky. But Rambo is my favourite because he is really tough and also really stealthy which is why I would invite him to Dinner. Some questions I would ask him would be "how are you so stealthy and able to use camouflage so well"? I would also ask "How the heck do you keep in shape so well"? Another question I would ask would be "What is your favourite part in Rambo First Blood"? The final question would be "What was your favourite scene in Rambo Three"?

One of my favourite people is Richard Hammond because He is a former presenters on Top Gear,(my favourite TV show). The reason  I would invite Richard would be because He loves Porsche and their cars and so do I. Also because we both hate Jeremy Clarkson because of the stupid opinions Jeremy makes about Porsche. Another reason I would invite Richard is because we both hate slow drivers alot because you can never get anywhere on time and you get so frustrated. Some questions I would ask Him would be "What is the best part of being on TV"? Also "What is your favourite Top Gear challenge". Also "what is the fastest car you have ever been in"? Another question would be "Did you ever want to be the Stig"? The final question would be "What is your favourite food"?

That was this weeks blog post on who I would invite to Dinner. Come back next week for another post.